I’ll be digging garden beds in a few days. Well, to be accurate, I will be placing a few raised garden beds of the corrugated iron sort. Nothing fancy, just 40cm x 100cm x 200cm, and I’ll spend most the day just trying to wheel barrow the awful thin dirt we have here to just one of those beds, layered down with lucern. This will repeat itself for as long as it takes to fill all three beds.
I’ll layer home made compost on top of those beds, and plant whatever is in season. I actually really love making compost…taking my food waste and making it into a rich compost that I can spread over the barren soil here.
It’s not for me. I’m getting old and the Earth will still be sorta ok when I check out of here. It’s for my nieces and grand nieces. I have no children.
I want to get some good soil and plants in rotation long ahead of the time when food and water security are no longer a thing. It’s coming, not in our lifetimes, but in the lifetimes of those we love. I have a limited amount of time to take the fucking awful dry dirt that passes for soil here into a rich loamy soil capable of growing whatever is needed.
Well, that, and I love to grow things.
It can’t hurt to prepare some soil and grow some plants, for my family, because I love them.
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