This article will introduce you to matrices, vectors and quaternions and how you can use them for programming games using the CryEngine SDK. You will only need a basic understanding of mathematics, beginner level c++ and a general knowledge of the CryEngine SDK; in particular, the gamesdk.dll code which is written in c++.
Read More >>Earlier this week I wrote about CryEngine listener classes in a brief overview. I intimated that they are an excellent way to write code against the CryEngine SDK and today I want to go into more depth.
Read More >>In this article I will introduce you to event handling within CryEngine 3 and give a brief overview of the many listeners you can utilise within your project.
Read More >>As you begin to learn how to program for CryEngine 3 you will run into a lot of barriers. The code is dense, filled with magic numbers, brimming with pre-processor code, macros, and templates and all sorts of traps.